Thursday 19 December 2019

Hair transplant recovery time

If you have reached this blog, chances are that you are considering a hair transplant. It could be for you or for a dear one. It is indeed a revolutionary technique that has been developed in recent times to have solved the problem of balding and hair loss. Having said that, the patient still has anxieties about it and struggles with a lot of queries. He takes to the internet to get the answers. Let me tell you, it is the best thing to do. One should do some research on the subject and then make a list of questions. Pose these questions to the surgeon when you are in consultation before the procedure.

A frequently asked question and one of the major concerns of the patient is - the recovery time/period. There is apprehension about when one can return to a normal routine after the procedure. Believe me, with the new advancement of techniques in the field of hair transplant, the recovery time has been reduced to a bare minimum. Not only the time period, but the discomfort factor too.

FUE Hair Transplant Procedure


Let's first understand what hair transplant procedure is all about. It is of two kinds- the FUE and FUT. the first one, i.e., FUE is “follicular unit extraction”, and FUT is “follicular unit transplantation”. Speaking in layman's language, FUT involves extraction and grafting of pieces of scalp whereas FUE is a technique by which hair follicles are extracted from a donor area and transplanted to the bald area by punching holes in the skin.
Here we will only talk about the FUE procedure because it is more advanced, better and the most widely practiced method of hair transplant.

If you undergo hair transplant procedures under FUE, the recovery time is very short because there are no stitches involved. Secondly, the procedure is performed under local anaesthesia. The patient can safely go home within 24 hours of the procedure. Sometimes if the patient is a bit anxious, the doctors might administer some sedatives. In that case, he or she would be a little sleepy-headed, so it would be better that they be taken home by relatives. Driving or public transport is totally ruled out.
The steps:

  •  Shortly after the procedure, maybe 2 days, doctors will remove the bandages. At this time, the tiny transplants will look like small dots of blood or scab. Usually, there is swelling in the donor area as well as the recipient area. There may be soreness as well. The surgeons would prescribe medication for the same and one would be comfortable. One can return to normal activities after 3 days.
  • One can gently and mildly apply shampoo or rinse the remaining hair after a few days.
  • After about 10 to 12 days the scabs usually come off and one can return to a normal washing routine.
  • For a working person, it is advisable to take 7 to 12 days of leave from work. It totally depends on the amount of work performed by hair transplant surgeons- how many transplants have been performed etc.
  • Follow other standard dos and don’ts that your surgeon advises you to take, like sleeping with your head raised for a few days and not wearing caps or hats.
And that's it! 
This is the greatest benefit of undergoing an FUE procedure for hair transplant! It is almost non-surgical. No cutting, no scarring, and no stitching. One can return quickly to normal routine excitedly looking forward to fresh hair growth.  
Another upside of this procedure is that it looks pretty natural. But of course, that totally depends on the artistry of the doctor- how he analyses your forehead and hairline. So, choose your doctor and the clinic with a lot of care! :) 

Hair transplant recovery time

If you have reached this blog, chances are that you are considering a hair transplant. It could be for you or for a dear one. It is ind...